Instructions for treating hair loss with a daily diet

In this guide, we will introduce important nutrients to improve hair loss and keep hair healthy. Providing enough zinc, silicon dioxide and iron will help balance hormones, develop hair cells and prevent weak and falling hair.

Seafood such as clams and shrimp contain lots of zinc and vitamin B12, which help prevent and treat hair loss and breakage.
Red meat is also a source of zinc and vitamin A, which help prevent dandruff and hair loss.

Silicon dioxide:
Potatoes contain a lot of silicon dioxide, providing potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and vitamin C, which help prevent hair loss and eliminate gray hair.
Bean sprouts from green beans contain lots of B vitamins and vitamin C, which help provide energy and nourish healthy hair.
Nuts and cereals contain a lot of iron, which is very good for treating hair loss and providing iron for pregnant women.

Raisins contain iron, B complex vitamins and minerals that help the body produce red blood cells, clot blood and prevent hair aging.

Dates are the fruits that contain the most iron, helping to treat hair loss quickly.
Butter and milk products:
Butter, milk and products from butter and milk provide calcium, zinc, vitamin D, magnesium, protein, help prevent hair loss, and stimulate hair follicles to grow.
Drinking a cup of warm fresh milk before going to bed helps provide energy and nourish healthy hair.

By adding these food groups to your daily diet, you can effectively prevent and treat hair loss. Be sure to provide enough nutrients to nourish strong, healthy hair that doesn’t break or turn gray. Wishing you good health and strong, shiny hair!

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